Architectural Design for Traditional Neighborhoods
Title information
Our nation’s sixty-some years of experimentation with conventional suburban development – by which we mean large tracts of low-density, car-dependent, singlefamily houses – have been proven socially, culturally, and environmentally destructive. It is also an expensive way to build. To provide a better alternative, we offer builders this book, Architectural Design for Traditional Neighborhoods, focusing on the design elements needed to create compact, diverse, and walkable neighborhoods – places where healthy communities can thrive. Also, to ensure high-quality aesthetic standards, we suggest how to develop a harmonious architecture for traditional neighborhoods.
Korkut Onaran
Korkut Onaran, Ph.D., CNU AP, is the founding principal of Pel-Ona Architects and Urbanists. He teaches as an adjunct professor at the College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado, Denver. Between 2008 and 2018 he served as the president of CNU Colorado. He is the author of the book Crafting Form-Based Codes: Resilient Design, Policy, and Regulation, published by Routledge.
Fernando Pagés
Fernando Pagés Ruiz, principal, Artisan LTD, is a pocket-neighborhood developer in Colorado and the author of Building an Affordable House: Trade Secrets to High-Value, Low-Cost Construction, published by the Taunton Press. He is a former editor of EcoHome Magazine and regular contributor to various construction magazines.
Ronnie Pelusio
Ronnie Pelusio, AIA, LEED AP, is a founding principal of Pel-Ona Architects and Urbanists. He is also an infill developer and serves on many community oriented boards, including the Landmarks Board, City of Boulder, Colorado.
Tom Lyon
Tom Lyon, AIA, is a founding principal of Wolff Lyon Architects. The firm is one of the founders of CNU Colorado and the recipient of a 2001 CNU Charter Award. Tom is currently working as an urban designer and developer on several affordable housing neighborhoods in Colorado.
Andrés Duany
This book is a useful addition to the New Urbanist literature because it introduces simple and economical design principles such as: don’t clutter the individual facade with articulation and ornamentation; rather pay attention to the whole block face as a unified design. It discusses what to require by code, and perhaps more importantly, what not to code: costly materials will not overcome dismal suburban site plans. Instead, a proper designer will guide developers to invest in what will create the most value.
Stephen A. Mouzon
Detailed resources such as this book lay out a wealth of information … Traditional neighborhood design has flourished in recent decades for two interrelated reasons: It provides places as well-loved as excellent historical neighborhoods, but with modern plumbing and electrical systems, and a roof that doesn’t leak. And the lovability of those places tends to create levels of value not seen theretofore in their markets.